What is considered coastal marine / coastline?
Coastal marine describes the area where the coastline meets the open ocean
Coastline is the land along the sea. Waves, currents and tides help create coastlines.
Estuaries, rivers and lakes are excluded from the definition of coastline.
Please note that this definition has been updated following discussions with coastal policy staff.
How can I get started with my application before my Expression of Interest (EOI) is approved?
You will not be able to proceed with a Full Proposal application if your EOI has not yet been approved. While you wait, you may use this time to gather all relevant authorizations required for the project in question.
What is the split of funding between marine shoreline clean-up, derelict vessel removal and derelict aquaculture site clean-up projects?
There is no predetermined allocation of funding for each project type. Proposals will be subject to a merit-based review process. More information can be found on the ‘Application process’ page of the website.
What does a merit-based review process mean?
Your application will be reviewed and scored based upon the criteria outlined in the Selection Criteria section. The highest scored applications will be recommended for funding.
I don’t have good access to internet. How can I submit my application?
We encourage applicants to apply online, but where that is not possible, please contact us and we will arrange to send an application form via email, postal mail or fax. We can receive the application via either method as well.
When is the application window?
The application window is now closed for applications
If I made a project-related purchase or expense before I was approved, can I still be reimbursed?
No. Project related purchases or expenditures made prior to receiving the approval decision and notification will not be reimbursed.
Can a project extend past February 2025?
For this round of applications, all approved project activities must be completed by February 2025. Elements or activities of a project that are not funded by CCCW may continue.
What if I can’t complete my activities before the outlined deadline?
All projects from this round of applications must be complete by February 2024. If you feel you will not meet your deadlines, please contact the program team as soon as possible.
Will separate individuals from the same project be able to access an ongoing application?
Yes. Once the lead applicant has registered and created the application, individuals from the same project can register in the Portal. The lead applicant should include the names of the partner organizations in the proposal for confirmation. Please contact the administrator who will assign these individuals to the Proposal.
By "partner organizations", does that include all the contractors expected to be hired for services?
No, subcontractors such as helicopter operators, barge operators or otherwise would come under specialized operators.
Can I change my work plan once I have been approved?
Yes. Please contact the program team to assist you.
What is included in the 5% project administration cap?
Please refer to the CCCW Cost Guidelines (see below) for a detailed description of how costs and eligible expenses will be classified.
How will the 5% project administration cap be funded?
CCCW Recipients will be compensated for administrative costs through a Delivery Allowance (DA). Delivery allowance will be calculated as a fixed percentage (5%) of the total project funding actually implemented (i.e., a percentage of the funds disbursed for completed work). Please refer to the CCCW Cost Guidelines (below) for more information on what expenses should be included in the Delivery Allowance.
What are the cost guidelines (wages, honorariums)?
Please refer to the CCCW Cost Guidelines for more information on acceptable rates for wages. Honorariums are an eligible expense and will be evaluated as part of your Proposal’s financial plan.
What can be considered an in-kind contribution?
An in-kind contribution is defined as a recipient's or partner organization’s own contribution in goods, services, or transactions not involving costs charged to the project. For example, staff time, participation in working group meetings, technical expertise, equipment or meeting space.
Will advances be considered?
Once applications are approved, funding recipients will plan their projects by identifying activity milestones. Advances for specific project milestones will be considered and made available in cases where a Recipient requires upfront funds to manage expenditures such as payroll. Otherwise, funds will be disbursed on approved claim submissions for completed work.
How long will it take to receive reimbursement on a claim?
Claims will be reimbursed through electronic funds transfer (EFT) within five to ten days from receipt of required claim documents. Claims can be submitted during the project for each project milestone and will be reimbursed as received. Claims must be submitted no more than two months after the expenditure is incurred (as determined by invoice dates).
Why is ghost gear beneath the surface ineligible?
This is out of scope for this Fund, and is eligible under the federal Ghost Gear Fund.
Are dive efforts eligible for underwater cleanups?
No. Apart from Derelict Vessel removal projects, project activities are limited to the marine coastal area which is considered the splash zone (the area affected by salt water but not directly inundated on a daily basis). This includes storm log lines, dune grass, salt marsh.
If I can't identify the owner of a derelict vessel, is it eligible for the Fund?
Applicants must obtain owner consent or establish legal possession of vessels. Please see the Program Website for information on the process to obtain consent or legal possession, including where the identity of a vessel is unknown. Please contact the administrator to discuss cases where there is a need to distinguish between a wrecked vessel and marine debris.
Is onshore debris from existing structures eligible?
Removal of existing onshore structures is out of scope of the CCCW Fund and is not eligible. However, debris in the marine coastal zone that is associated with an existing onshore structure and encountered as part of a broader marine shoreline clean-up project will be considered eligible and will be subject to the merit-based review process.
Are floating structures eligible?
The Ministry recognizes that these structures pose significant risks and are present along BC's coast, however, large floating structures are currently out of scope for the CCCW Fund.
Does the approval of my EOI mean my project has been approved?
No. Approval of EOI simply means that you can submit your Full Proposal for review prior to the deadline. Please submit your EOI as soon as possible to have more time to put together your Full Proposal. Until an official approval letter is sent from the program team, the project cannot be considered as approved.
If my project is approved for this round, do I automatically qualify for the next round of applications?
As of now, we are not able to determine if there will be another round of applications.